Mussolini: Italy! Italy! Entirely and universally fascist!
Følgende er fra Mussolinis tale den 2. oktober 1935 i forbindelse med overfaldet på Etiopien.
Blackshirts of revolution, men and women of all Italy, Italians all over the
world, beyond the mountains, beyond the seas, listen. A solemn hour is
about to strike in the history of the country. Twenty million Italians are at this
moment gathered in the squares of all Italy. It is the greatest demonstration
that human history records. Twenty million, one heart alone, one will alone,
one decision.
This manifestation signifies that the tie between Italy and fascism is
perfect, absolute, unalterable. Only brains softened by puerile illusions, by
sheer ignorance, can think differently, because they do not know what exactly
is the Fascist Italy of 1935.
For many months the wheel of destiny and of the impulse of our calm
determination moves toward the goal. In these last hours the rhythm has
increased and nothing can stop it now.
It is not only an army marching towards its goal, but it is forty-four
million Italians marching in unity behind this army. Because the blackest of
injustices is being attempted against them, that of taking from them their
place in the sun. When in 1915 Italy threw in her fate with that of the Allies,
how many cries of admiration, how many promises were heard? But after the
common victory, which cost Italy six hundred thousand dead, four hundred
thousand lost, one million wounded, when peace was being discussed around
the table only the crumbs of a rich colonial booty were left for us to pick up.
For thirteen years we have been patient while the circle tightened around us at
the hands of those who wish to suffocate us.
We have been patient with Ethiopia for forty years. It is enough now.
The League of Nations, instead of recognizing the rights of Italy, dares talk
of sanctions, but until there is proof of the contrary, I refuse to believe that the
authentic people of France will join in supporting sanctions against Italy. Six
hundred thousand dead whose devotion was so heroic that the enemy
commander justly admired them—those fallen would now turn in their
And until there is proof to the contrary, I refuse to believe that the
authentic people of Britain will want to spill blood and send Europe into a
catastrophe for the sake of a barbarian country, unworthy of ranking among
civilized nations. Nevertheless, we cannot afford to overlook the possible
developments of tomorrow.
To economic sanctions, we shall answer with our discipline, our spirit of
sacrifice, our obedience. To military sanctions, we shall answer with military
measures. To acts of war, we shall answer with acts of war.
A people worthy of their past and their name cannot and never will take a
different stand. Let me repeat, in the most categorical manner, that the sacred
pledge which I make at this moment, before all the Italians gathered together
today, is that I shall do everything in my power to prevent a colonial conflict
from taking on the aspect and weight of a European war.
This conflict may be attractive to certain minds which hope to avenge their
disintegrated temples through this new catastrophe. Never, as at this historical
hour, have the people of Italy revealed such force of character, and it is against
this people to which mankind owes its greatest conquest, this people of heroes,
of poets and saints, of navigators, of colonizers, that the world dares threaten
Italy! Italy! entirely and universally Fascist! The Italy of the blackshirt
fascist revolution, rise to your feet; let the cry of your determination rise to the
skies and reach our soldiers in East Africa. Let it be a comfort to those who are
about to fight. Let it be an encouragement to our friends and a warning to our
enemies. It is the cry of Italy which goes beyond the mountains and the seas
out into the great world. It is the cry of justice and of victory.