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Knesset Christian Allies Caucus

Januar 2004 nedsatte Knesset et råd, der skulle varetage forbindelsen til Israels kristne allierede, dvs. de dispensationelle kristne zionister. Beslut-
ningen om nedsættelsen af Christian Allies Caucus viser klarere end mange ord den betydning, som man i Israel tillægger de dispensationelle kristne zionisters arbejde for og støtte til Israel.

Teksten er fra adressen: www.knesset.gov.il/lobby/eng/LobbyPage_eng.asp?lobby=41


The information presented here was provided by Knesset Members who participate in the various lobbies.  



Chairman:   Yuri Shtern
Members:  Ran Cohen  Amira Dotan  Effie Eitam  Arieh Eldad  Benyamin Elon  Gilad Erdan  Elhanan Glazer  Stas Misezhnikov  Orit Noked  Gideon Sa`ar  


Mission Statement

The mission of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus is to build a direct line of communication, cooperation and coordination between the Knesset and Christian leaders around the world. We strive to establish relationships between the members of Knesset and leaders of churches, Christian organizations and representatives throughout the international community.

The Knesset Christian Allies Caucus has attracted an increasingly diverse and growing number of Christian leaders globally. The caucus works with Christians who support Israel and with those who are undecided on their position towards Israel. Many Christians recognize that their belief in the Bible connects them to the land and the people of Israel. On this basis, we work together to achieve our goals.

Goals of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus

To recognize the contribution Christians in America, Europe, and around the world are making to the security of the State of Israel and the welfare of the Jewish people.

To bring to the attention of the people of Israel the unqualified support Christians have given, and continue to give, to Jewish aspirations in the Land of Israel.

To provide Christians on the ground in Israel with assistance in dealing with red tape and bureaucratic problems that may arise.

To reach out to all Christians in order to mobilize support for Israel.

Caveats of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus.

The caucus condemns and refuses alliances with any groups that pursue the conversion of Jews to Christianity.

The caucus refuses coalitions with groups that regard terrorism as a form of freedom fighting.


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